If you are a municipality sysadmin you can request a SS12000 keypair to be used for different vendors.
To get a new key its only a few small steps to follow:
1. Order the key thru the support portal
2. The info you need to provide is
Wanted name of client municipalty.vendor is the usual name (e.g Norreka.istmatsedel) the municipality name is mandatory for the first part.
The email address of the staff within the municipality who should receive the keypair (this keypair could then be sent to the vendor who should access the data)
If you are a Educloud+ customer you also have the option of removing access for attributes/endpoints for the client. As Educloud+ customer you also have the option of login in into the dataviewer and selecting what units said client should be able to access. The options that can be removed today is
ist.ss12000-v2.api.standard (organizational information, syllabus and programmes)
ist.ss12000-v2.api.activities (activities information for the groups)
ist.ss12000-v2.api.duties (the duties information for the teachers and personal information connected to the duty)
ist.ss12000-v2.api.grades (grades for the students)
ist.ss12000-v2.api.groups (group information)
ist.ss12000-v2.api.placements (placements for the children)
ist.ss12000-v2.api.responsibles (guardian information to connected enrolments)
ist.ss12000-v2.api.students (the student information)
ist.ss12000-v2.api.studyplans (the studyplans for the students)
ist.ss12000-v2.api.email (the emails that is saved as main private email)
ist.ss12000-v2.api.email-school (the teacher/student email)
is12000-v2.api.phonenumbers (the phonenumbers saved on a person)
ist.ss12000-v2.api.addresses (the addresses saved on a person)
ist.ss12000-v2.api.photo (photos of the person)
ist.ss12000-v2.api.civicno (the civic number of connected teachers/students/responsibles)
ist.ss12000-v2.api.identifiers (externalidentifiers for the person)
ist.ss12000-v2.api.sex (gender of the person)
ist.ss12000-v2.api.birthdate (birthdate of the person)