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Join the future of EdTech

Moving data from point A to point B should be safe and easy - and with EduCloud it is! You get all the tools you need to take control over your data and see how and where it is shared in real time.

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  1. General

    1. Announcements

      We will make announcements regarding the EduCloud portal here.
      You'll see new sections of the site and other announcement worthy changes here.

    2. General

      General discussions that doesn't fit other existing categories.
      Maybe you've found a great API standard you'd like to share with the world, maybe you just want to express your feelings about SOAP or XML.
      Feel free to talk about anything!

    3. Introductions

      Did you just sign up?

      Hop in here and and tell us a little bit about yourself.

  2. EduCloud

    1. Help

      Are you stuck developing your integrations?
      Throw a question in here and someone will definitely be able to help you out!

      Found a bug?
      We have good support tools available for tracking bugs, please use those for bugs.
      If you're not sure if it's a bug or not, feel free to ask if you should report it.

    2. Feature Requests

      Do you have an idea on something that you would see in EduCloud?
      Let us know in here and the team might grant your wish!

    3. Innovation Ideas

      Cool ideas are worth spreading.
      Regardless of who you are within this industry, you might have an idea for an integration that would revolutionize the school sector.

      If you're a developer you might want to build something that someone could use or if you're a school administrator that wants something built, share your innovation ideas in here and connect with those that can make it happen.

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