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  • Importing EPPN to IST Administration

    Tor Händevik

    For Swedish customers to be able to use digital national assessment from Skolverket, you need to set EPPN on all persons.

    The EPPN value are defined and created by, you outside IST's system. Follow this guide for general technical instructions on how to import you EPPN values and connect it to persons.


    General process

    1. Retrieve persons via the Persons API or SS 12000
    2. Update EPPN per person via Persons API

    If you already have the correct person IDs (GUIDs) in your own systems, you could skip the first step.


    API access with access tokens

    To connect to an API via EduCloud, you first need to create and retrieve an access token that is then used in the API calls.
    Learn how in the guide: Fetch and use access token

    To create/retrieve an access token, you need a client ID and a client secret. If you are going to connect to different environments, such as production and acceptance test/stage environments, you will have individual client id/secret set per environment. When API access has been configured for you, you will receive an encrypted message with these details.


    Using the APIs

    Once you have your access token, you can use it in calls to the APIs in question. Documentation of the APIs can be found on here on educloud.ist.com. See the API docs and the Persons API in particular.

    Endpoints to the APIs are based on api.ist.com and specific endpoints per API are listed in the API documentation.


    Authentication and headers for API calls

    For authentication, set your access token as the authentication bearer token. In addition, you need to enter some headers that we send in the encrypted message, together with the client id and secrets.


    Specific API request guide

    Retrieve persons

    API docs: https://ist-group-ab.stoplight.io/docs/ist-administration/cryfyd1hcg8so-list-persons

    Note: The is a server-side imposed limit of receiving a maximum of 50 entries per request/page. Use the value of the cursor element to include as cursor parameter in your next request to retrieve the next result page in a new request.


    Update EPPN

    API docs: https://ist-group-ab.stoplight.io/docs/ist-administration/pjppuhqnqyaf2-update-person

    • Endpoint: api.ist.com/persons/<id>
    • Method: PATCH
    • Headers: ist-customer-id, ist-environment-id

    Note: You are only allowed to update the EPPN value, hence the body may only contain the eppn value you are to set.

      "eppn": [



    Here at educloud.ist.com you'll find different resources to aid you, such as the API documentation, technical guides or articles, and see what other users are discussing in the forum.

    If you encounter problems, do not hesitate to use the forum at https://educloud.ist.com/forums/ or contact IST's support at https://www.ist.com/sv/kundcenter!


    Learn more



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