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Working code examples

Jonas Erlandsson

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We have created a repository at github where we add small getting started applications (that can turn in to more advanced examples over time).

A couple of weeks ago I created the first example written in PHP (Laravel) for backend and VueJS for frontend.

Today I'm happy to say that we've added a Java example as well.
What we've done is that we've created an application that authenticates towards EduCloud/SkolID and then either all grades or a single grade.
It's a little something for beginners to get started with.

You can find the Java example here if you want to check it out.
My plan is to keep this repository up to date with small to medium examples like this so that anyone that integrates with EduCloud can check out the code and easily get started working with educloud.

I want to stress that I'm far from fluent in languages that will be present in that repository, and if you find something that is plain stupid, feel free to send in a create an issue or make a PR if you want.

EduCloud Examples Repository

Happy coding everyone!

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